About DG: The Remix
Hi and welcome to our site.

I'm Crystal, a serial entrepreneur who loves all things involving math and apparel decorating.
DG: The Remix is the combination of two previous ventures - Divinely Greek and 3Hearts Printing.
Divinely Greek began in July 2008 to cater to BGLO and Masonic members looking for quality paraphernalia living in west Cobb and surrounding areas. Located on Veterans Memorial Hwy (Bankhead Hwy), my small shop rapidly grew leading to the expansion of services and the community served. My team and I decorated apparel using nearly every available method - screenprinting, embroidery, rhinestones, direct-to-garment, etc. You named it, we used it to decorate with. Mypirate team of six began literally shipping all over the US and a few countries around the world. Can you say good times?
In 2013, I was presented with an exciting opportunity to work abroad that I just couldn't pass up so I took it. About six months later, though painful, I decided to close the shop and focus on life in the UAE. While life there was truly an adventure, I missed the DG crew and the customers.
While overseas, I found myself frustrated that I couldn't find someone to make me this cute pregnancy tee. So, I did what I did best, I decided to make my own. This was a huge challenge cause I had no idea of where to begin the process. Nevertheless, after months of research and vetting suppliers, 3Hearts Custom Printing & Gifts was born. I was like a pig in slop. As happy as I could be, I found myself with more orders than I could imagine from people from all walks of life. I loved it!!
Even still, life changed again. It was time for me to return to the A (metro Atlanta, Georgia). As I shared my return, I was frequently asked if I was going to resurrect Divinely Greek. While I thought about it, I wasn't sure. My crew had moved on and now I had a very energetic toddler. I wondered if I still had the enthusiasm, the drive, and the passion to start again. After much thought and chatting with my old crew and customers, I knew the answer was yes, yes, yes!!
So here I am - it's DG: The Remix baby!!